35 Inspiring Ideas of Wedding Bouquets

Are you in need of some wedding bouquets inspiration? We all know that a bouquet is a really important part of a bridal look. And while there are hundreds of possible variants, it can be a challenge to pick one the one, which suits you the most. Today, we are serving as your assistants in this super important task and have already prepared ideas of bouquets in different styles and color variations.

So, let’s have a look at 35 inspiring wedding bouquet ideas, which you will definitely fall in love with.

Rose Wedding Bouquets

Bridal bouquets of roses are the most traditional. They suit any season and any wedding style. There are rather simple wedding bouquets with roses, which look elegant and stylish, as well as some luxurious variants. A rose bouquet can be unicolor, like a bouquet of red roses. Or, you may combine roses of various colors. Moreover, roses can be beautifully combined with other flowers and look astonishing with much greenery.

Blush rose wedding bouquet

Blush rose wedding bouquet


Red rose wedding bouquet

Red rose wedding bouquet


Mixed roses wedding bouquet

Mixed roses wedding bouquet


Multicolor roses wedding bouquet

Multicolor roses wedding bouquet


White roses bridal bouquet

White roses bridal bouquet


Peony Wedding Bouquets

A peony wedding bouquet is a frequent attribute of a late spring-early summer wedding. As it’s their high season, everyone can easily get these beautiful flowers. But good news for those who are getting married in other seasons: thanks to modern technologies, peonies can be used for fall and even winter weddings. However, their price is much higher in the off-season. The peonies look the best in minimalist bouquets, consisting of the blooms of the same type and color. However, some florists manage to create real masterpieces by combining the flowers.

Bright peony wedding bouquet

Bright peony wedding bouquet


White peonies wedding bouquet

White peonies wedding bouquet


Pink peony wedding bouquet

Pink peony wedding bouquet


Peonies and roses wedding bouquet

Peonies and roses wedding bouquet


Creative peony bridal bouquet

Creative peony bridal bouquet


Orchid Wedding Bouquet

Actually, orchids are rather unusual flowers for a wedding bouquet and are chosen by the girls who want to stand out. Orchids are often used for winter wedding bouquets, but, in fact, they suit any season as they are grown artificially. These flowers look the best either in very light colors or in dark shades. For instance, purple wedding bouquets with orchids look fantastic.

Purple orchid wedding bouquet

Purple orchid wedding bouquet


Orchid wedding bouquet

Orchid wedding bouquet


Pink orchids wedding bouquet

Pink orchids wedding bouquet


White orchid bridal bouquet

White orchid bridal bouquet


Wedding bouquet of white orchids

Wedding bouquet of white orchids


Rustic Wedding Bouquets

Rustic bouquets are definitely among the most romantic ones and suit free-spirited souls. They often contain wildflowers and much greenery. However, addition of roses, peonies or other more traditional wedding flowers is rather widespread. For example, a sunflower wedding bouquet looks really cool or the one featuring ranunculus. By the way, the latter is a great idea for fall wedding bouquets.

Rustic fall bridal bouquet

Rustic fall bridal bouquet


Rustic wedding bouquet with pink roses

Rustic wedding bouquet with pink roses


Rustic wedding bouquet

Rustic wedding bouquet


Rustic bridal bouquet

Rustic bridal bouquet


Ranunculus wedding bouquet

Ranunculus wedding bouquet


Minimalist Wedding Bouquets

Such bouquets are usually rather compact and don’t feature too many components. As a rule, minimalist bouquets consist of the flowers of one type and one color. A cool example is a calla lily wedding bouquet. It looks elegant and doesn’t feature any excess details. Or, it can be a bouquet in one color, like white wedding bouquets, but containing 2 or 3 types of blooms.

Calla lily wedding bouquet

Calla lily wedding bouquet


Minimalist wedding bouquet

Minimalist wedding bouquet


Purple calla lily bouquet

Purple calla lily bouquet


Tulip wedding bouquet

Tulip wedding bouquet


Anemone wedding bouquet

Anemone wedding bouquet


Cascade Wedding Bouquets

If you want a breathtaking wedding flower bouquet, think about a cascade bouquet. Though it’s not the most convenient and universal option, it looks fantastic and will be a cool addition to your bridal look. There are many styles of such bouquets, which can suit both formal and casual weddings. Moreover, they can contain all possible flowers, from wildflowers to orchids.

Cascade wedding bouquet

Cascade wedding bouquet


Cascade wedding bouquet

Cascade wedding bouquet


Extravagant cascading bouquet

Extravagant cascading bouquet


Cascading wedding bouquet

Cascading wedding bouquet


Cascading bridal bouquet

Cascading bridal bouquet


Artificial Wedding Bouquets

Though silk wedding bouquets are still very common, they are gaining popularity. They are usually chosen by the girls who aspire to save either nature or money. Besides, such bouquets allow using flowers of any type regardless of the season. And another bonus is that artificial bouquets are available in really cool designs, which can’t be created with the help of fresh blossoms. By the way, you may try creating a DIY wedding bouquet as well.

Artificial wedding bouquet

Wedding bouquet of artificial peonies

Wedding bouquet of artificial peonies

Blush and blue bridal bouquet

Blush and blue bridal bouquet

Blue and white orchid wedding bouquet

Blue and white orchid wedding bouquet

Dusty blue and blush wedding bouquet

Dusty blue and blush wedding bouquet

So, you see that the diversity of wedding bouquets impresses. They are very different and can meet the requirements of any bride no matter what the style, theme, budget and season of her wedding is.

Lesly White

Hi everyone! My name is Lesly White. I am the chief editor at TheBestWeddingDresses.com Blog. I am obsessed with wedding dresses and everything related to weddings. In my posts, I like to share the ideas of wedding gowns and accessories as well as provide brides with tips on how to prepare for a wedding.

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